
词汇 辨析 出处
formulate express your ideas 和 giving particular attention,自带 carefully属性 不同于 formula -
sound 僻义:impression > eg.From the sound of things you were lucky to find him. -
demonstrate 熟义:to show and explain 僻义:游行 -
rating 一个 measurement 来表示其受 欢迎/重要/好 的程度 -

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assume 僻义:to have power or responsibility, have a particular quality or appearance,pretend to have a particular feeling or quality -
surveillance -
accountable responsible for -
blame 僻义:noun = responsibility -
venture a business project + risk 同 adventure 辨析 -
preside to lead or be in charge of a meeting, ceremony, etc. -

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issue 僻:problem/worry、series of magazines or newspapers 、making available to buy or use -
correspondence connection、 the letters, emails -
contrast a difference that you can see clearly -
likewise the same; in a similar way、区分:likely(having a good chance) -
stake 股票、树桩 -
indicator a sign that shows you what something is like or how a situation is changing -
maintain to keep -
reasoning think in a logic way -
express 僻:(sth. ) to become(/represent) obvious in a particular way

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unanimous agreed or shared by everyone in a group -
contest a competition、a struggle to gain control or power -
echo 僻:an opinion or attitude that agrees with or repeats one already expressed or thought -

词汇 辨析 出处
warehouse goods are stored, -
Contract an official written agreement, 易混淆:contradict、contrary -
hawk to try to sell things (verb)、鹰 -
fetch 僻: to be sold for a particular price -

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Lean v.依靠 n.瘦肉 僻:adj. without much fat; thin and fit -
Fold 僻:to close because it is not successful -
yield profit/to produce profit -
gross in total -
slump to fall in price/fall down heavily -
revenue the money that a government receives 区分:avenue -
equity the value of a property/ a company’s shares 区分:equal -

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dean 院长 -
disciplinary 僻: connected with an area of knowledge, especially a subject that people study in a university -

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loom 织布机 -
probe investigation of something(与probably区别有点大) -
empirical based on experiments or experience rather than ideas or theories、区分 imperial -
screen 僻:v. 1.screen somebody (of a company, an organization, etc.) to find out information 2.screen something/somebody (from something/somebody) to hide or protec -

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coin 僻:v.to invent a new word or phrase that other people then begin to use -
Novel 僻:adj.different from anything known before; new -
Radical 僻:new, different and likely to have a great effect -

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fume v.冒烟 -
Vice 缺点 -
virgin n.a person who has never had sex,adj. -
compulsive adj. that is difficult to stop or control

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sacred adj. connected with God or a god -
remain 僻:n. 遗迹 -

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impart v.to pass information, knowledge, etc. to other people 区分:import -
discourse noun. a long and serious treatment or discussion of a subject in speech or writing -
engagement noun. an arrangement to do something at a particular time 区分动词:engage -
counselor noun.顾问 -

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intimidate v.frighten or threaten somebody so that they will do what you want,区分:intimate,imitate -
beam v.a wide and happy smile -
charged v.full of or causing strong feelings or opinions,区分:charge -

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frustrate v. 使懊恼,使沮丧 -
grievance n. 委屈,不满 -
plague v. 困扰 -
irritate v. to make someone angry or annoyed -

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rhetoric persuasive language -
embodiment n. 化身,包括 -
term n. 任期,学期,术语,条款,关系,说话方式 -

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dairy 牛奶的,牛奶公司 区分:diary -
compound n. 建筑群 -
enclosure n. 围栏 -
complex 僻:复合体,综合大楼 -
retreat n.僻静处 -
chamber n.房间 -
couch n. 长沙发 -

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cabin n. 小木屋,船舱 -
article 僻:n. 物品 -
blanket n. 毯子 -

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bound 僻:adj. 要到……去的,前往……的 -
course 僻:noun. 航向,路线、进程 -
lane n. 车道,跑道、小巷 -

词汇 辨析 出处
linger stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave 外刊 103
scrub n. 擦洗,磨砂膏 v. rub to clean & cancel or abandon & to remove inpurities 外刊 103

词汇 辨析 出处
inexorable adj.impossible to stop 2010 T1
coverage n. 新闻报道、覆盖 2010 T1
contempt n. 蔑视 2010 T1
knight n. 爵士 2010 T1

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curbs n. 控制 v. a check or restraint on something 2010 T2
stake n. 桩、赌注、股本 2010 T2
if only & only if 要是……就好了 & 只有……才 2010 T2
hedging n. 树篱、防护措施 v. limit or qualify sth. & protect against loss & surround with a hedge 2010 T2
attorney n. 代理、律师 2010 T2

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cursory adj.hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed 2010 T3
accountingly n. 会计、会计学 2010 T4
compromise n. 妥协 v. settle a dispute by mutual concession & bring into disrepute or danger 2010 T4
bruise n.v 受伤 2010 T4

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gulf n.海湾 -
mill n.工厂 -

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chunk n. 一大块 v. group together 外刊 107
unprecedented adj. never known or done before 外刊 107

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weather 僻:v.come safely through / to keep out rain./wear away or change the appearance or texture -
plaster n. 灰泥 -

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constancy n.忠诚 -
fraudulent adj.obtained, done by, or involving deception, especially criminal deception -
snap n.adj 啪一下,很快 v. break suddenly and completely\make a sudden audible bite\suddenly lose one’s self-control -
loyal adj. giving or showing firm and constant support -
civilized adj.at an advanced stage of social and cultural development\polite and well-mannered -
harsh adj.unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses\curl or severe -
adsently adv. in an absent-minded way -

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fancy adj. elaborate in structure or decoration n.v. -
nerve 僻:n. 胆量 -
mighty adj. 强有力的 possessing great and impressive power or strength, especially because of size -
susceptible adj. likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing/capable or admitting of 易受影响的,易受伤害的 -

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grasp n.v.抓 区分:scrape -
contemplate v. look thoughtfully for a long time at -
obscure adj.not discovered or known about/not clearly expressed or easily understood v.keep from being seen -
eminent adj . famous and respected within a particular sphere -

词汇 解析 出处
deteriorates v.become progressively worse 外刊 111
impair v.weaken or damage 外刊 111
ceanky adj. eccentric or strange/ bad-tempered/working erratically 外刊 111
insane adj. very foolish/ lacking the ability to think/ shocking 外刊 111

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alarmist 危言耸听 (sb.)creating needless worry or panic 带有感情色彩 2018 T1
upheaval n. 变动,动乱/ 地壳运动 2018 T1
dynamism n. 活力 2018 T1
upend v. set or turn (something) on its end or upside down/ so that the tail is raised in the air 2018 T1

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observe 僻:make a remark / fulfil or comply with -
claimant n. 索赔人,继承人 -
contention n. 论点,争论,竞赛 -

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triviality n. 琐事 -
imperative adj. of vital importance/giving an authoritative command n.紧迫之事/祈使句 -
stun v. knock unconscious or into a dazed or semi-conscious state/ astonish or shock -
stunning adj. extremely impressive or attractive 正面积极态度 -
sweeping adj. extending or performed in a long, continuous curve/wide in range or effect n.扫拢的垃圾 -

词汇 解析 出处
stem v. originate in or be caused by/ stop or restric n . 梗 羽干 柄脚 烟斗柄 干线 符干 词干 船头 -
deter v. discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences -
omission n. 疏漏,排除 -
shatter v. break or cause to break suddenly and violently into pieces -
back 僻;vt. give financial, material, or moral support to -

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immerse v.dip or submerge in a liquid/ involve oneself deeply in a particular activit -
stylish adj. fashionably elegant and sophisticated -
contract 僻: v. decrease in size, number, or range -